The fear of socialism runs deep in our American veins. Like many of my patriotic kinsmen, I’d absorbed the knowledge of the evils of socialism far before I even knew what socialism really was.
So what is it? And why is it so criminal? How does it compare to other political systems? And why must we use cows to explain all of this nonsense?
Very briefly, then:
Democrat: Your cow is yours, but a portion of the milk will be given to feed others who might not have cows but contribute to society in other ways.
Republican: Your cow is yours. The milk is yours. Period.
Socialist: Everyone owns all cows and the milk will be split equally.
Communist: Everyone owns all cows and the milk will be split according to need.
Tea Party: Your cow is a dog except on Sundays when it’s a rooster. Milk is for bathing and I can see Alaska from my house.
Each system has its problems, and just like every other Riff Raff I’ve my own opinions on which works the best. But that’s not under scrutiny just at this time. We’re talking about the fear of socialism, aren’t we?
The library is socialist. Think about it. We all pay taxes so we all can use the library. Despite the fact that most socialists hate police, the system by which they exist is socialist. The same goes for fire fighters, the majority of roads, and other things that your taxes pay for.
Now I’m not a Socialism expert or anything, but that doesn’t sound too bad. I mean what if we all had access to [good] healthcare and [good] higher education the same way we have access to the library? CoughFranceCough.
Even a lot of liberal organizers who I worked with during the National Equality March didn’t like organized Socialist groups. There was fear of takeover and ulterior motives and still I don’t see what’s so wrong about it. Truly. Socialism seems to work as well and as poorly as the other two ridiculous parties we adhere to, so why not take it seriously as an option? Or why not take more elements of socialism seriously as an option? Why kill the socialists?
You’ll find no answers here. I’m just a confused Everyman with opinions of my own.
All I know is that if we all had access to good healthcare and good education – IT WOULD FIX EVERYTHING.
Food Comaly Yours,
Food Comaly Yours,